Upcoming events.

Belonging in this land - Treaty basics from a Christian Perspective - Part One

Belonging in this land - Treaty basics from a Christian Perspective - Part One

Conversation about the Treaty is happening all around us. There is an important opportunity right now to dive into our shared story so that we know our place to stand and how we can belong, wherever our ancestors came from.

'Belonging in this land: Treaty basics from a Christian perspective' is an opportunity for our faith community to explore the story of the Treaty of Waitangi over two 90-minute video sessions. Whether you know a lot, or a little, let’s be curious together.

Brought to us by Common Grace Aotearoa in partnership with Karuwhā Trust and Te Manu Hononga - the Sir Paul Reeves Centre, we will hear from expert presenters, including Dean of Taranaki Cathedral Jay Ruka and former Anglican Archbishop David Moxon, to help you refresh or expand your knowledge.

This is a free resource but if you’d like to help Common Grace Aotearoa with a koha for producing this amazing resource – then please do so on the night.

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Belonging in this land - Treaty basics from a Christian Perspective - Part Two

Belonging in this land - Treaty basics from a Christian Perspective - Part Two

Conversation about the Treaty is happening all around us. There is an important opportunity right now to dive into our shared story so that we know our place to stand and how we can belong, wherever our ancestors came from.

'Belonging in this land: Treaty basics from a Christian perspective' is an opportunity for our faith community to explore the story of the Treaty of Waitangi over two 90-minute video sessions. Whether you know a lot, or a little, let’s be curious together.

Brought to us by Common Grace Aotearoa in partnership with Karuwhā Trust and Te Manu Hononga - the Sir Paul Reeves Centre, we will hear from expert presenters, including Dean of Taranaki Cathedral Jay Ruka and former Anglican Archbishop David Moxon, to help you refresh or expand your knowledge.

This is a free resource but if you’d like to help Common Grace Aotearoa with a koha for producing this amazing resource – then please do so on the night.

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Friday Feature - Pecha Kucha

Friday Feature - Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha - is back (‘chitchat’ in Japanese)

You are invited to participate in a fun event where you choose 20 photos (digital form) and have 20 seconds each photo to explain them.

Choose something–a life highlight, a work project, a hobby, day in the life of…a summer adventure… and let us know about it. We want all sorts. Register your interest with the office quickly as this is a popular event.

You can also just come join and hear what other stories there are in our community!

All welcome to attend.

Supper provided.

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